Data and Code to reproduce "**EEG Decoding Reveals Distinct Processes for Directing Spatial Attention and Encoding into Working Memory**"
Experiment 1(a&b):
The code for analyses are available at `Exp1/1*/Analyses`.
The data for analysis are available in the project components titled `Exp1*_processedData`.
Each includes 4 pieces:
1. `EEGData`, produced by `Exp1/1*/Analyses/Analysis_ARF` and used by `.../Analysis_MVL` to train and test the decoding models.
2. `EEGData_alphaPower`, used by `.../Analysis_POW` (but note the code is looking for a directory just called `EEGData`, so path adjustment or renaming is required)
3. `grand_power_filteredBands_alltrials.mat` which is also used by `.../Analysis_POW`.
4. The remaining 4 `.mat` files are used by `.../Analysis_MVL`. They contain the save predictions of the decoding models for significance testing and figure generation.
Experiment 2:
The code for analyses are available at `Exp2/analysis`
The data for analysis are available in the project component `Exp2_preprocessedData`. All analyses read the data in directly from that directory (though it's name will need to be changed, or the paths will need to be updated. They are at the top of each of the `.ipynb` files.)
Please see READMEs within each experiment/analysis section for more details.