**Methods:** A Brief Overview
**Sample**: 279 participants (120 males | 159 females)
**Groups**: Depression (71), Family History (103), Healthy Controls (105).
**Tasks Studied**: Reward Processing & Social Cognition
**Accessing HCP Data**
1. Request access to the restricted HCP dataset by emailing neuroscience-hcprda@email.wustl.edu with a signed agreement form found on [the ConnectomeDB site][1].
2. The PI is who submits the application for restricted data access, and names lab members under "non-PI applicants".
3. Once you receive access to the restricted dataset, you will navigate to the data you are interested in studying, and download the corresponding .csv files.
[1]: https://db.humanconnectome.org/app/template/Login.vm;jsessionid=2A223AB52788EE9AFE0ADA942EB38114.