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Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability /
ML5: Replications of Vohs & Schooler (2008)
- Nick Buttrick
- Charles R. Ebersole
- Florian Brühlmann
- Ryan J. Walker
- Kurt Schuepfer
- Manuela Thomae
- Michael Wood
- John Paul Wilson
- Ravin Alaei
- R. Thora Bjornsdottir
- Jakub Kuś
- Heather Claypool
- Lena Fanya Aeschbach
- Joachim Hüffmeier
- Balazs Aczel
- Marton Kovacs
- Bence E. Bakos
- Peter Szecsi
- Martin Voracek
- Szoke Orsolya
- Attila Szuts
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