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Behavioural Research UK Leadership Hub
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Category: Project
Description: BR-UK aims, amongst other things, to build and deliver behavioural research capability by drawing on, and further developing, existing UKRI and other funder investments in all four nations and generating new research findings that directly inform policy and practice.
What is BR-UK?
Behavioural Research UK (BR-UK) is a new consortium funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) via the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The consortium serves as a leadership hub that is part of a wider ESRC programme to build national capability for behavioural research. BR-UK has been awarded £10 million funding over five years to conduct interdisciplinary behavioural …
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WP1: Capability Building
This work package will lay the groundwork for building and enhancing capabilities in behavioural research, addressing challenges and fostering collabo...
WP2: Data & Technology
This work package will focus on creating a strong foundation for behavioural research by enhancing data infrastructure, leveraging technology, and exp...
WP3: Methods & Evidence Synthesis
This work package will improve the reliability and accessibility of methods in behavioural research, incorporating ontologies, robust frameworks, caus...
WP4: Engagement & Involvement
This work package will ensure that research conducted is not only scientifically robust but also accessible, meaningful, and embedded in the contexts ...
Theme 1: Environment & Sustainability
This theme aims to deepen the understanding of the environmental challenges by redefining the concept of 'environment,' reconciling theoretical and em...
Theme 2: Health & Wellbeing
This theme will focus on both physical and mental health as well as interventions and policies to support health promoting behaviours and reduce healt...
Theme 3: Resilient Communities
The focus of this theme will be on issues where increasing behavioural research capability will contribute to better policies and interventions. The i...
Theme 4: Organisation, Markets & The Economy
The focus of this theme includes some of the UK’s serious economic challenges and the role of behaviour in driving these challenges as well as in dev...
Understanding UK behavioural research capability: A cross-sector survey
This survey aims to help understand the current status of behavioural research in the UK and guide future directions. It will look at what types of re...
Demo Project 2: Examining the Effect of Statistical, Anecdotal, and Combined Evidence on Belief in Policy Effectiveness, Policy Support, and Evidence Evaluation: A Mixed-Method Experiment
This project aims to expand on research showing that communicating evidence on policy effectiveness can increase policy support via belief updating
Demo Project 5: Behavioural interventions to reduce speed behaviour in car drivers
This project aims to update evidence on the most influential motivational and
capability influences of speeding behaviour and assess the efficacy of i...
Demo Project 3: Making ontologies INTERoperable: The DEMO-INTER Project.
DEMO-INTER will develop and evaluate a method for achieving interoperability between ontologies.
Demo Project 3: DATA set annotation for use in modelling: The DEMO-DATA Project
The DEMO-DATA project will develop and apply a methodology for annotating datasets in
behavioural and social sciences, using data sets used for modell...
Demo Project 3: THEORY integration and comparison: The DEMO-THEORY project
DEMO-THEORY will map constructs in theories of behaviour change on to ontology classes for the purposes of theory searching, comparison
and integratio...
Demo Project 4: Assessing the transferability of evidence for environmental policy support across different carbon-related lifestyle clusters, sectors, socio-demographics, and countries
In collaboration with the OECD, this project will use multi-level latent class analysis to assess the transferability of public support for various en...
Mapping UK behavioural research organisations and networks by sector and location
In this project we will gather information from existing databases, internet searches, stakeholder elicitation and snowballing to create and analyse a...
Scoping behavioural research capabilities in UK startups & scale-ups
In this project we will conduct primary and secondary research (google searches, interviews, surveys) to understand the current scope and scale of beh...
Current and future priorities for UK behavioural research: A review of national and international strategy documents
BR-UK is carrying out a rapid review of existing documents that describe strategies or agendas for advancing behavioural research capability in the UK...
Demo Project 1: Understanding the translation of behavioural and social science advice to Government during a UK public health emergency (COVID-19)
This project aims to understand how advice from the Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B) was communicated to and received by Govern...
Behavioural Concepts: Developing Consensus Definitions for Key Terms in Behavioural Research
The Behavioural Concepts Group (BCG) has begun work to develop clear consensual definitions of key concepts in behavioural research and BR-UK, with th...
Rapid research on the 2024 riots in England: A multi-method study of behaviour
This is a rapid research project of The Behavioural Research UK Leadership Hub, which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council [Grant Num...
Developing the UK’s capability in behavioural research: Cross-sector workshops to identify strengths, weaknesses and strategies
As part of BR-UK's capability scoping study, this project will convene a series of online workshops, inviting a range of behavioural researchers and b...
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