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# Project outline for 2011_8 # **Keywords:** replication; replicability; file drawer **Overview:** Results from a survey on attempted replications ------------------------------------ **Publications:** 1. Hartshorne, Joshua K. & Adena Schachner (2012). Tracking replicability as a method of post-publication open evaluation. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 6:8. [link]( **Team:** 1. Joshua Hartshorne 2. Adena Schachner **Data Collection:** Google Forms **Description** Psychologists were asked about their prior attempts to replicate studies. **Notes:** - Only a subset of the data went into the paper. Some responses came much too late and were not included. Also, while the reported data comes from emails sent to 100 colleagues, we also posted a separate link on the blog. These were not reported in the paper because there were not enough responses to overcome the lack of information about the demographics of the population.
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