Volunteer coders began by coding all articles from issues of <em>Psychological Science</em> published from January 2012 - May 2015. Coding was completed using the [Article Codebook][1] (data dictionary), available in the files section. After coding was complete for <em>Psychological Science</em>, they continued coding all articles published in the same time frame from:
1. <em>Clinicial Psychological Science</em>
2. <em>Developmental Psychology</em>
3. <em>Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition</em>
4. <em>Journal of Personality and Social Psychology</em>
Volunteer coders were asked to code articles published in all years for each journal to reduce the effect of any unexpected idiocyncracies of individual coders. The coders had no conflicts of interest with respect to their contributorship.
We originally [preregistered][2] an additional investigation involving reaching out to authors to evaluate accessibility of data or materials that were not shared upon publication. For articles that did not have data or materials, we planned to contact the corresponding author of the original article, asking 1) to send corresponding data/materials if it was easy to do so, or 2) to explain how much effort would be required to share if sharing was not trivial. Details regarding the correspondence were planned to be recorded as data using the [Author Correspondence Codebook][3].
All corresponding authors listed were to be contacted using the email address provided in the article. However, this data collection was postponed due to present infeasibility.
[1]: https://osf.io/4rf3v/
[2]: https://osf.io/ipkea/
[3]: https://osf.io/t98nq/