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Supplementary Data_Power-spectra and cross-frequency coupling changes during visual and audio-visual acquired equivalence test /
Supplemetary Data_Time-frequency results
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Category: Data
Description: ** Install instructions: Download the 'SupplementaryData_TF_install.exe' file and install it. Alternatively, if you have Matlab Runtime (v.2018), you can download the '' file, unpack it, and execute the SupplementaryData_TF.exe file *** Description of the program: The interactive surface consist of two main panel, the upper and the lower panel. In the upper panel the topographical representation of the significant power-changes can be seen. At the lower panel, one channel’s significant changes can be seen over the time. The time-frequency plots correspond to the same phase as the topographical plot above them. The reader can change manually the desired channel at the drop box over each time-frequency plot. The specific time-point at which significant changes plotted on the topopgrahical plots can also be changed with the slider under the lower panel. The frequency band of the topographical representation can be changed in the ‘Menu’ section (upper-left corner). Furthermore, results in the different tasks (visual, audiovisual), as well as the comparison of the two task can be visualized by changing the ‘Analysis mode’ at the Menu. Colour representation of the figures: Inspecting the visual or the audiovisual task, the red color indicates where the power was significantly higher during the given phase compared to baseline-activity, and the blue color indicates where the power in the given phase was significantly lower compared to baseline activity. On the other hand, comparing the visual and audiovisual time-frequency results the red color indicates that the power of that specific frequency band in the given phase of the paradigm was significantly higher during the audiovisual task compared to the visual task, where the blue color indicates the opposite.
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