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No evidence that frontal eye field tDCS affects latency or accuracy of prosaccades
- Leon Reteig
- Tomas Knapen
- Richard Ridderinkhof
- Heleen Slagter
Date created: 2018-06-08 11:32 AM | Last Updated: 2019-05-29 12:46 PM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/8JPV9
Category: Project
Description: transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) may be used to directly affect brain activity from outside of the skull, though its mechanisms and optimal use conditions remain elusive. We applied tDCS over the frontal eye fields to influence reaction time and accuracy of human eye movements, but found no conclusive effects. This page contains the materials, computer code (hosted on GitHub) and data (hosted on figshare) of this study. The peer-reviewed publication accompanying this project is available here: Also see the project website at
In this study we examined whether electrical brain stimulation of the frontal eye field can influence reaction time and accuracy of human eye movements.
- Project title: No evidence that frontal eye field tDCS affects latency or accuracy of prosaccades.
- Project code: sacc-tDCS
- Authors: Reteig, L.C., Knapen T., Roelofs, F.J.F.W., Ridderinkhof, K.R., & Slagter, H.A.
- Affiliation: Department of Psychol…
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