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# Readme This project contains code and materials for our manuscript titled: *The *d* Factor: General Distractibility and Its Relationships with ADHD Symptoms and Hyperfocus*. ### `analysis` Folder This folder contains all analysis scripts for results presented in the manuscript. Specifically: * `clean_data_prolific.R` (sample 1) and `clean_data_student.R` (sample 2) read raw data, do some data cleaning and wrangling, and then export the cleaned data for analysis. * `data analysis.R` is where the main analyses occur. * `figure_*.R` generates figures presented in the manuscript. * `func.R` contains helper functions used for analysis. * `measurement_invariance.R` does measurement invariance analysis. It will read various model specifications stored in the `invariance_syntax` folder. ### `data` Folder This folder contains the raw data (.csv) as well as cleaned data files (.Rdata) exported after data cleaning. ### `manuscript` Folder This folder contains the rmarkdown files and other necessary files that were used to generate the PDFs for the main text, the appendix, and the supplemental materials. ### `results` Folder This folder contains various output files generated by the analysis scripts. These files are used by the rmarkdown file to generate the final PDF. ### `Qualtrics` Folder This folder contains the questionnaires used in this study. For questions, please email Thank you!
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