## General notes:
- This project makes heavy use of the `targets` R package for reproducibility of workflows, especially for creating the stimuli used across all the experiments.
- Analysis code, models, and individual figures are hosted on Github and linked to for each related conference/paper.
## Modules
- Stimuli processing: All stimuli and associated code to recreate the stimuli. See subfolders for varying amounts of information (eg only final audio files vs all files+code)
- ICPhS_ASA 2023: Subset of stimuli for our ICPhS submission and ASA poster. The ASA poster focuses more on the model comparison, the ICPhS paper focuses more on the phonological implications.
- InterSpeech 2023: Subset of stimuli for our INTERSPEECH 2023 submission
## Software written for this work:
[`sosprosody` R package](https://github.com/tsostarics/sosprosody), which provides a variety of functions for prosody research and interfacing with Praat I/O
[`contrastable` R package](https://github.com/tsostarics/contrastable), which provides a tidy approach to contrast coding