`Expert brief report - stakeholder focus groups (Serbian).pdf` is the report which summarizes the results of two focus groups with stakeholders. One focus group was organized with medical doctors and the other with TCAM practitioners. The report is in Serbian.
Participants were invited to take part in the study using the appropriate invitation letter (either `Invitation letter for focus groups for medical practitioners (Serbian).pdf` or `Invitation letter for focus groups for TCAM practitioners (Serbian).pdf`) and they all signed the `Informed consent form for focus groups with stakeholders (Serbian).pdf` prior to taking part in the focus group. All three files are in Serbian, as the participants saw them.
The findings of focus groups have been used in our publication: Purić, D., Petrović, M. B., Živanović, M., Lukić, P., Zupan, Z., Branković, M., Ninković, M., Lazarević, L. B., Stanković, S., & Žeželj, I. (2023). Development of a novel instrument for assessing intentional non-adherence to official medical recommendations (iNAR-12): A sequential mixed-methods study in Serbia. *BMJ Open, 13*(6), e069978. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069978. Please cite accordingly.