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Contains AIC and deltaAIC values of 191 regressions fitted to the incubation time-series for each of nests that contained enough data (N = 726). The nests where time lag could be estimate for up to 4 days (N = 584 nests) and their regressions with deltaAIC = 0 were used as the nest’s estimated period of the incubation rhythms. ---------- We recommend **read**ing the **paper METHODS** before using the data. ---------- Questions can be directed to: Martin Bulla (****) ---------- WHEN USING THIS DATA, **PLEASE CITE**: Bulla et al (2016). Supporting infromation for 'Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds'. Open Science Framework. Retrieved: ADD DATETIME. ------ Values are separated by comma. ------ **Column definition** 1. sp: four letter abbreviation of the species's common English name 2. breeding_site: unique identity of the breeding site (when nests/individuals monitored directly at the breeding site - the ID is a four letter abbreviation of the breeding site; for estimated breeding site - individual equipped with logger in the wintering ground - the ID is longer than four letters) 3. year: year of monitoring 4. nest: identity of the nest (for unique identity of the nest paste together (breeding_site, year, nest, nn) 5. nn: nesting attempt (0 - unknown, 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third) 6. period: period (in hours) that was fitted within the periodic regression 7. aic: AIC of the periodic regression with the given period length 8. delta: delta AIC value of the periodic regression with the given period length for the given nest (that is nest-nn-year 9. n_days: number of days, with data for the given nest 10. n_lag: number of 10 min lags in the time series for the given nest
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