**Project outline for 2010_7**
*Keywords: psych verbs; emotion verbs; novel verbs; Japanese; English*
What expectations do Japanese- and English-speaking adults have about the argument structure of novel emotion (psych) verbs?
Hartshorne, O'Donnell, Sudo, Uruwashi, Lee, and Snedeker (in press). Psych verbs, the Linking Problem, and the Acquisition of Language. Data for Exps. 5 and 6.
1. Joshua Hartshorne
2. Jesse Snedeker
3. Miki Uriwashi
4. Yasutada Sudo
5. Timothy J. O'Donnell
**Data Collection:**
Harvard Yard and various venues in Japan
Data for Exp. 5 is in the folder titled "English".
Data for Exp. 6 is in the folder titled "Japanese".
The folder "CompiledData" has the data compiled into four convenient csv files for analysis.
Throughout, responses are recorded with binary values, where: 1 = experiencer-object (frighten-type) syntax 2 = experiencer-subject (fear-type) syntax