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* `sacc-tDCS.Rmd`: R notebook with analysis code that will reproduce all of the results, figures and statistics contained in the paper. See the `notebooks` folder for additional notebooks with a more in-depth exploration of the dataset. * ``: Output of the notebook, formatted in markdown, optimized for viewing on GitHub (the `sacc-tDCS_files/` folder contains plots referenced in the `.md` file). Note that the `sacc-tDCS.nb.html` notebook here on the OSF is exactly the same, but more nicely formatted (though it won't render on GitHub). * `sacc-tDCS.Rproj`: Config file with options for the R project; also determines top-level folder. * `analysis.m`: MATLAB script that loads the raw data and creates the `.csv` file that's read in by the R notebook. * `notebooks/`: Additional notebooks with more in-depth analyses on each different aspect of the project. More information can be found in the notebooks themselves; they are also referred to in the main `sacc-tDCS` notebook. Like the main notebook, each has two types of files (`.Rmd`, and `.md`) and a folder with plots. Note that again these same notebooks are here in the `Notebooks` component, except in html. * `src/`: All other analysis code used in the project (see `` in this folder for details) * `task/`: Code for the experimental task and control of the eye tracker; used during data collection (see `` in this folder for details)
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