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Description: Please refer to the updated version of this model: Catalina Canals, Enrique Canessa, Spiro Maroulis, Alejandra Mizala, Sergio Chaigneau (2024, July 08). “School Enrollment Model” (Version 1.0.0). CoMSES Computational Model Library. Retrieved from: The School Enrollment Model is a spatially-explicit computational model that depicts a city, with schools and households located within the space. The model represents the Chilean school system, a market-based educational system, where people are free to choose among public, private voucher, or unsubsidized private schools. In the model, households become aware of some schools, apply to schools, switch schools, pass or fail grade levels, and eventually either graduate or dropout. Schools select students, update their tuition, test scores, and other characteristics. The model was implemented using the Netlogo multi-agent programmable modeling environment v.6.0.4. It uses GIS data about schools, areas of the city (blocks or neighborhoods) and city boundaries as an input.

License: Other


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