**Lognormal_pareto_distributions.cdf:** Mathematica demo visualizing the effects of parameter values on fitted lognormal, pareto, and exponential step size probability distributions. Use Wolfram Player to view if you do not have a Mathematica license.
**postitsfiles_foraging_for_rvps.zip:** Contains the pre-processed data files given by Anne to Ritwika, including recording metadata, speaker labels' onset and offset times, and acoustic measures (pitch and amplitude) for each vocalization.
Within the **Human_labels** folder:
- (more documentation to be added)
Within the **intermediate_csv_and_mat_files** folder:
- (more documentation to be added)
Within the **Reported_and_auxiliary_results** folder:
- **confusionmat_HUM_LENA.mat:** contains the numbers for table S11 ("Confusion matrices for LENA vs. human-listener labelled data")
- **hum_lena_labels_proportions.mat:** contains the numbers for table S10 ("Fraction of LENA speaker labels as identified by human listeners")
- (more documentation to be added)