# project components
> * brief descriptions of the stuff inside each component
> * download .html documents in [analyses](https://osf.io/yxju4/) component for quick access to main analyses and supplemental descriptives and analyses, including plots
> * key supplement documents (see [analyses](https://osf.io/yxju4/))
> * **Study 1**
> * 2study1_data_describe.html
> * **Study 2**
> * 2study2_drawing_generation_ratings_data_describe.html
> * 3study2_drawing_ratings_data_analysis.html
> * **Study 3**
> * 2study3_ci_generation_data_describe.html
> * 3study3_ci_ratings5_data_analysis.html
> * **Study 4**
> * 2study4_drawing_generation_ratings_data_describe.html
> * 3study4_drawing_ratings_data_analysis.html
> * **Study 5**
> * 2study5_ci_generation_data_describe.html
> * 3study5_ci_ratings2_data_analysis.html
> * **combined studies**
> * 4combined_analysis.html
> * 4combined_traitlevel_describe.html
> * notreported1 and notreported2 refer to studies (materials, data, truncated analyses) that we do not report in our manuscript (see p. 13)
> * Supplemental wiki (i.e., an online document) on [trait-level threat concern and mental representation correlations](https://osf.io/84vdp/wiki/Trait-Level%20Threat%20Concern%20and%20Mental%20Representation%20Correlations/)
## materials
> * surveys (.doc and .qsf) and images used in all studies
> * can use .qsf to import survey into Qualtrics ([Importing a Survey](https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/survey-tools/import-and-export-surveys/#ImportingASurvey))
> * we do not include all stimuli used in medialab for Studies 1 and 2 and not reported studies 1 and 2 because it takes too long to upload the hundreds of files; we instead include .R code scripts that generate those files (e.g., .txt and .bmp files for stim folders)
### **representation feature ratings summary**
> below we catalog ratings by study, rating design, representation rated, and chooser traits measured
| feature | studies | designs | representations | chooser_traits |
| Trustworthy | 1.1; 1.2; 1.4; 1.5; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Concientious | 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; notreported1 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Aggressive | 1.1; 1.2 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Healthy | 1.1; 3.2; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Symmetrical | 1.1 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Violent | 1.1; 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Attractive | 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; notreported1 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Heavy | 1.2; 1.3 1.4; 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; notreported1; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent; Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Clear | 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; notreported1; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent; Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Conservative | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Open | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Neurotic | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Agreeable | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Promiscuous | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Extraverted | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Old | 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Disfigured | 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; notreported1; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent; Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Want to avoid | 1.3; 1.4; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | within-subjects; between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Interested in becoming friends | 1.3; 1.4 | within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Germy | 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; notreported1; 4 | between-subjects; within-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent; Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Foreign | 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Arrogant | 1.5 | between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Incompetent | 1.5; 3.1 | between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World |
| Willing to stand near | 1.5; 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Belief in a Dangerous World; Self-Protection |
| Muscular | 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Healthy; non-Healthy; Infected; non-Infected; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection |
| Masculine | 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Healthy; non-Healthy; Infected; non-Infected; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection |
| Dominant | 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Healthy; non-Healthy; Infected; non-Infected; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection |
| Fatigued | 2; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Healthy; non-Healthy; Infected; non-Infected; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection |
| Angry | 2; 3.1; 3.2; 4 | between-subjects | Healthy; non-Healthy; Infected; non-Infected; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection |
| Clingy | notreported1 | within-subjects | Clingy | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection |
| Nauseous | 3.1 | between-subjects | Germy; non-Germy; Violent; non-Violent | Germ Aversion; Perceived Infectability; Self-Protection | |
## data
> * we prepared datasets using the preparation scripts (see preparation scripts in [analyses](https://osf.io/yxju4/) component)
> * all "clean" data are deidentified (i.e., we do not share raw data, but we share the scripts used to generate cleaned data from raw data)
> * each data folder includes study-specific data from Phase 1 (participants generate representations) and Phase 2 (independent participants rate those representations)
> 1. **codebook.** variable names, Qualtrics labels, and some category labels for stimuli (bare bones)
> 2. **questionnaire.** questionnaire responses from MediaLab (Phase 1 data)
> 3. **rcict.** reverse correlation image classification task responses from Qualtrics (Phase 1 data collected on MTurk)
> 4. **directrt.** reverse correlation image classification task responses from DirectRT (Phase 1 data collected in lab)
> 5. **ratings.** independent ratings from Qualtrics (Phase 2 data collected on MTurk)
> 6. **turkprime.** turkprime HIT data
> 7. **cis.rds.** classification image(s) pixel data from the [rcicr package](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rcicr/index.html) in R (.rds is a file extension that refers to R data, which can be loaded into R as an object)
> * for Study 1 and 3, we conducted multiple ratings surveys (i.e., Phase 2), but we only report in the manuscript data from rating survey 5 of Study 1 and from rating survey 2 of Study 3 (for a catalog of all ratings studies, see "representation feature ratings summary" in the [materials](https://osf.io/9fm2q/) component)
## analyses
> * preparation, description, and analyses scripts
> 1. **preparation.** prepare and deidentify data for description and analyses
> 2. **describe.** descriptives (including turkprime payment demographics), psychometrics, and correlations
> 3. **analysis.** contrasts, raw data plots, models, model diagnostic plots, result summaries, and effect plots
> 4. combined analyses use data from multiple studies
> * "2015F_mentally_representing_infected_others.Rproj"
> * .Rproj refers to an R project file which automatically sets your R session's working directory to the folder that the .Rproj is in (for more details, see [Using Projects](https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200526207-Using-Projects) or [Workflow: projects](https://r4ds.had.co.nz/workflow-projects.html))
> * For your own analyses, we recommend following these steps:
> 1. download the analyses component
> 2. unzip the analyses component on your computer
> 3. download and save the data component in the unzipped analyses folder
> 4. unzip the data component
> 2. open the .Rproj (this opens R Studio and sets the working directory for you)
### **analyses document naming scheme**
> e.g., "2study3_ci_ratings2_data_describe.html"
> 1. the first number in filenames order the files top-to-bottom within the folder (1 = preparation, 2 = description, 3 = analysis, 4 = multiple-study analysis)
> 2. study number (Study 1-4 and not reported studies)
> 3. Phase (ci_generation or ci_ratings)
> 4. script type (preparation, description, analysis)
> 5. filetype (.Rmd or .html)
> * .Rmd refers to an R Markdown script which can be mostly easily viewed and edited in R Studio (it can be read as plain text)
> * .html includes the output from the .Rmd script and can be opened in any internet browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Safari)
> * **example.** "2study3_ci_ratings2_data_describe.html" refers to the output of the descriptive statistics R Markdown script for Study 3 ratings survey 2 (e.g., demographics, correlations, means, standard deviations)
## other registration
> * registration summaries (i.e., "need to know" details for evaluating protocol that was planned vs. reported-in-manuscript) are included as .csv and .xlsx files