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Affiliated institutions: Virginia Tech

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Description: We are a collaborative molecular modeling and bioinformatics lab at Virginia Tech. We work with individuals all over campus and at other universities to provide computational support to their research, as well as pursuing our own work on amyloid and IDPs. With this OSF, we give you information on our most commonly used techniques and example methods for generating a shared group, multi-project OSF. For information about our current projects or to view our tutorials, head to the Wiki page. To see some of our published papers and images, along with scripts and files to help you with your own molecular modeling, check our Files. Like what we are doing? Feel free to use our templates to make your research more transparent and open. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Anne M. Brown at

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Welcome to Brown Lab Molecular Modeling and Bioinformatics @ Virginia Tech

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In this OSF, a series of tutorials is provided to get an idea of the language and programs that we commonly use in our lab. The more you work to learn the “how” and “why” of the programs now, the easier it will be when you utilize them for your own research. Understand what the command does and how you can utilize…


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amyloidbioinformaticsbiomolecular visualizationComputational Biologydata analysisdata visualizationdockingdrug designin silicoLinuxMD simulationsmolecular dynamicsPPARproteinsprotein structure-functionPyMOLundergraduate research trainingUnixVMD

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