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**Description of data and scripts** *Data:* log: Logfiles for each participant Columns - Trial - Item-Code - Facial Expression Participant (H = Happy,A = Angry) - Facial Expression Agent (Freude = Happy, Wut = Angry,Neutral = neutral) - Agent (F1,F2,M1,M2) - Delay ("0" = "Neutral", "1" = "0ms", "2" = "500ms", "3" = "1000ms", "4" = "1500ms", "5" = "2000ms") - Marker Code that is sent to Physiology recoprding - Interactivity Rating physio: - Raw: EMG Corrugator (chan 1+ 2), Zygomaticus (chan 3 +4) - Preprocessed: "vpXX_prepro.mat": Preprocessed MAT Files, can be used with "check_Onsets_Continue_OSF.m" to mark onsets "vpXX_out.mat": Structure contains info on onsets of EMG "latencies_export.csv": Exported data ready to be read in R script Columns - Subject - Trial Number - Latency of Onset of EMG response - Latency of Peak of EMG response - Latency of Offset of EMG response - Peak value of EMG response - WrongMuscle (1 if true, e.g. Zygomaticus instead of Corrugator) *Analysis = Scripts* EMG: 1) SmileT_EMG_OSF.m: Input = rawfile, Output = Preprocessed File 2) check_Onsets_Continue_OSF.m: Input = preprocessed File,. Output = Timing Data, Subfunction: "manual_timing.m" 3) Export_onsets.m: Input = Timign Data, Output = CSV List woth Timing of all participants Stats: analysis_OSF.Rmd: R Markdown File reads data, does all analyis, and creates figure
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