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Category: Project

Description: Research studies on sex and sexuality in Chile are limited, with most studies focusing on public health concerns such as sexually transmitted infections and risky behaviors. Positive aspects of sexuality, such as sexual pleasure and non-normative practices, have been largely ignored. Therefore, there is a need to update knowledge on sex and sexuality at the population level and explore new topics of interest. This collaborative project aimed to explore and update the knowledge of sex and sexuality among Chilean men and women by collecting a sample of diverse participants through self-report measures. The study covers various sexual aspects, including sexual preferences, practices, pleasure, use of drugs during sex, amongst many others. The study is expected to inform and impact sexual education programs and policies and expand conversations related to sexual health and wellbeing.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Baseline Report of the National Sex and Sexuality Study (NSSS)

This is the basal report of our project, containing its rational and description of how the NSSS was created

Recent Activity

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CSSS: Paraphilia Self-Identification, Generational, and Gender Interactions on Qualitative and Quantitative Attributes of People’s Sexual Debut in a Chilean Sample

Paraphilias have been historically a source of taboo and stigma (e.g., Kelsey et al., 2013; Lehmann et al., 2020). This reality not only manifest itse...

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CSSS: Psychometric properties of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)

The sexual response comprises different stages: desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution (Levin, 2021). The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI; Rosen e...

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CSSS: "Everything that begins must end": Relationship between the end of sexual intercourse and sexual function in a Chilean sample

In sex research and therapy, several indicators are used to assess sexual function and benefits, such as the duration of different sexual behaviors. H...

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Conference presentations

This section showcases and shares all the seminar and conference presentations using the project's data

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CSSS: Why do people have sex? Reasons as to why people engage in sexual intercourse and their association with sexual function in Chilean sample of men and women

There is a multitude of reasons as to why people engage in sexual intercourse. Here, we explore several reasons and determine their association with s...

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CSSS: Temporal and Qualitative Aspects of Sexual Debut: Their Implications for the Sexual Functioning of Chileans

Sexual debut constitutes a significant phenomenon for individuals. Historically, its investigation has been constrained to a relatively negative persp...

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CSSS: Missingness handling procedures

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