**Contest submissions: submit [here][1].**
For this contest, you will be using this dataset: https://osf.io/jfdtk/
The data set is from this publication: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.psichi.org/resource/resmgr/journal_2019/24_2_crambletalvarez.pdf
A codebook can be found here: https://osf.io/bkd5m/
You can complete and submit R script for any of the four levels, but higher levels require the completion of lower levels (in other words, if you want to turn in Level 3 script, you'll need to also do levels 1 and 2).
Level 1: Sort the data by GPA from low to high.
Level 2: Produce the means and standard deviations for the following variables:
- Male_score (recognition for male psychologists like Sigmund Freud;
higher scores = more recognition)
- Female_score (recognition for
psychologist women)
- POC_score (recognition for psychologists of
- White_score (recognition for white psychologists)
Level 3: Create a graph to compare the mean scores for recognition of women and for recognition of men.
Level 4: Run an independent-samples t-test comparing the mean recognition of women (Female_score) variable across male and female participants (Gender).
For tips on getting started with R, start here: http://bit.ly/psichirtutorial
[1]: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCry2L4lrQaUifOuGsRzq5cGgGkBWLvsHwx3F1WUz8LP4gCQ/viewform