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Valuing Refugee Policy
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Category: Other
Description: The main objectives of this project are to advance the theory, methods and empirical foundations for studying policy preferences and attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers in the context of the Refugee Crisis in Europe. The project addresses the fundamental issues of the conditionality of refugee policy preferences and public attitudes towards refugees in respect to the economic, security and humanitarian media messaging across Europe. The project will design and execute a survey experiment in 10 European countries, selected based on their exposure to and policy towards refugees, namely: Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Spain, and Portugal. The novelty of the project is that it includes several Eastern European countries, and less researched Southern-Western European countries; crucial both for the movement of forced migrants within Europe and for achieving consensus at the EU level, yet substantially understudied. The project began on December 1, 2020 and runs for 36 months. The project is based at the Department of Politics and International Studies of the University of Warsaw and is funded by the Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) grant no 2019/33/B/HS6/00841.
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