Data analyzed in Menétrey, M. Q., Herzog, M. H., & Pascucci, D. (2023). Pre-stimulus alpha activity modulates long-lasting unconscious feature integration. NeuroImage, 120298.
The data were originally collected by Plomp et al. (2009; These are EEG recordings with 12 participants during the Sequential Metacontrast Paradigm (SQM). For additional information about the SQM paradigm, see Drissi et al. (2021;
In a new analysis of these data, we investigated the effects of pre-stimulus alpha activity on feature integration in the SQM.
EEG (.set files): All EEG data correspond to the preprocessed data used for the analyses in this new work. They contain only the trials that were kept for the analyses (see the manuscript for additional information about pre-processing).
Behavior (.mat files): They give information about each trial: The most useful information is the condition [eegstartcode: central vernier only (7,11,21,25) vs. central vernier and an anti-vernier (3,15,17,29)], the attended stream [eegstartcode: left (3,7,17,21) vs. right stream (11,15,25,29)], the offset direction of the central vernier [eegstartcode: left (17,21,25,29) vs. right offset (3,7,11,15)], and the response given by the participants [hits: 1 = the reported offset correspond to the central vernier, 0 = the reported offset does not correspond to the central vernier].
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