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![enter image description here][1] This repository provides all the necessary R codes to reproduce the analysis of the paper entitled "Improving the Design Stage of Air Pollution Studies Based On Wind Patterns". The repo is organized to build a Distill website of the tutorial, which can be accessed at this link: Should you have any questions or find coding errors, please do not hesitate to reach me at **The repo is organized as follows:** * `inputs`: the folder contains the raw datasets, the dataset used for the matching procedure and the matched data. We were not allowed to share the weather data from Météo-France. We therefore added as small amount of noise to the original data. External functions used in the analysis are also stored in the `2.functions` subfolder. * all scripts to reproduce the analysis are located in the top-level folder (`1_data_wrangling.Rmd`, ..., `7_analyzing results.Rmd`). * `docs`: contains the files needed to compile the website. [1]:
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