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This week was very exciting because the Clouded Leopards were visible! It was a great challenge to draw them because the more visible male was continuously moving around a door I can only assume was where they were fed. Despite his elusiveness though, I was able to get one pose sketched out enough to where I could begin to fill it out. I was a little more distracted because the zoo was open on Monday, and the Leopards are a consistantly frequented exhibit, so I stopped often to talk to people and familes that stopped at the exhibit. It means that the drawing got less filled in on-site than I would have wished, but I still had a good time chatting with people and I still got a large amount of time to observe the male and female leopard that were there. This week I attempted to use a hatching style to draw the animal, and especially to shade it, though I'm not very happy with the results. I also tried having a smaller focus so that I could add more detail to the drawing, but it didn't quite have the effect I wanted because it is not filled out very much.
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