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The files below are organized into three folders. ## 1. Wu et al. 2022 - Lancet Resp Med ## This folder contains files for the following article, currently under Review at The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. - Wu, N., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Ribeiro, P. A. B., Vieira, A. M., Stojanovic, J., Sanuade, C., Yip, D., & Bacon, S. L. (2022). Long-term effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against infections, hospitalizations, and mortality in adults: findings from a rapid living systematic evidence synthesis and meta-analysis up to December 2022. Revise and resubmit at *The Lancet Respiratory Medicine*. The folder contains files such as... 1. Raw data files (and corresponding data guide books) that can be used to reproduce our findings 2. Analysis script files for R that can also be used to reproduce our analyses 3. Online supplemental files for our article 4. A summary of our hand search strategy for identifying articles 5. A copy of the registration and protocol that guided the first version of our review (i.e., the current paper reflects the 13th update). Other updates of this review project are found in the second folder within the landing page of our project page. ## 2. Living Rapid Review Series for PHAC ## This folder contains all the individual reports our team produced as part of this rapic living evidence synthesis project on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The reports have originally been posted to the COVID-END website ( but have also been posted here for easy reference. The project is labelled LES (i.e., living evidence synthesis) 10 within the COVID-END repository (LES 10.02 refers to the 2nd version of our review, LES 10.03 refers to the 3rd version, and so forth). The above paper (under review at The Lancet Respiratory Medicine) uses data from version #13 of this project. The subfolder called "All Report Versions and Appendices" contains all versions and updates of the reports prepared. The subfolder also includes appendices published with each of these reports. Taken together, these can allow readers to track how evidence on the vaccine effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine has evolved over time. ## 3. Conference Presentations ## This folder contains presentations (e.g., posters, talks) at academic conferences based on the work from the living rapid review.
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