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Drs. Jennifer Lynn Bartlett and Stephanie Jarmak will jointly present on the transformative journey undertaken by the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) during the Year of Open Science. In 2023, the ADS research discovery platform underwent significant expansion, covering all research areas under NASA's Science Mission Directorate, leading to its successful relaunch as the new NASA Science Explorer (NASA SciX). With a strategic focus on engaging new users within our expansion communities while maintaining strong connections with the established Astrophysics user base, this presentation will delve into NASA SciX's community engagement successes and challenges. Drawing on insights gathered from surveys, user group discussions, and conferences, the presentation outlines NASA SciX's user-centric innovation, ensuring the preservation of ADS strengths while pioneering new avenues for NASA’s open science discovery. Attendees will gain valuable insights into NASA SciX's collaborative approach, organizational successes, and lessons learned. Finally, the presentation will introduce our audience to the NASA SciX Ambassador program, designed to elevate awareness and utilization of NASA SciX among our open science partners and new user groups. [Session recording](
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