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- *alternative_regression_discussion.doc* contains the results section for analyses in which all 11 acoustic variables simultaneously predicted each of the 4 social functions, resulting in 4 LMEM models. NOTE: to run R script, have all data files in the working directory. - *laughter_analyses.R* contains all the R code to run the analyses and generate the descriptives and figures from the paper. - *cleanedSubjectData_May152017.csv* Qualtrics participant data, with cleaned up formatting - *laughs_420_data.csv* acoustic data generated by Praat for laugh samples. Subsequently, 20 of these laugh samples were excluded for not meeting our inclusion criteria. - *soundSnap2nddownloadcode.csv* filenames, etc. of sound snap laugh samples. Necessary for data cleaning and merging stage. - *URLs_for_qualtrics.xlsx* contains the URLs for the laugh samples in Qualtrics. Necessary for data cleaning and merging stage. - *regression_coefficients_adjustedPvalues_forplot.csv* the file used to generate the coefficient plot - *regression_coefficients_adjustedPvalues.csv* the file outputted after all models are run, with Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p values - *regression_coefficients_sep.csv* regression coefficients with unadjusted p values - *cross_tabs_effects.xlsx* is a figure in the paper - *acoustic_descriptives.csv* contains summary descriptives - *regression_table.csv* unformatted regression coefficients table (Table IV in paper)
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