The repository contains:
1. MATLAB code used to: (A) construct frequency-specific spatiotemporal filters that isolate steady-state evoked potentials (SSEPs) from endogenous brain activity; (B) estimate statistical reliability of SSEP responses by constructing frequency-specific spatiotemporal filters using trials, on which neither flicker frequency nor its harmonics were present.
The code is an extension of previously published method called Rhythmic Entrainment Source Separation (RESS; Cohen and Gulbinaite, 2017 [PMID: 27916666][1]).
2. Sample dataset, which was pre-processed as described in Dataset is in EEGLAB format ( Epochs: -1 to 9 sec, where 0 us the cue onset. Trial markers are organized as follows (cue location / LED state / cue validity):
- Attend Left/ Flicker/ Valid - 193
- Attend Left/ Flicker/ Invalid - 194
- Attend Left/ Static/ Valid - 195
- Attend Left/ Static/ Invalid - 196
- Attend Right/ Flicker/ Valid - 197
- Attend Right/ Flicker/ Invalid - 198
- Attend Right/ Static/ Valid - 199
- Attend Right/ Static/ Invalid - 200