This component contains the R scripts used to clean and analyse the data generated during the experiment.
Cleaning scripts:
+ AJjr_behDS.R: cleans and combined the behavioural data from study and test
+ AJjr_eyeDS.R: combines EyeLink reports
+ AJjr_gaze.R: creates dataset for gaze duration data
Analysis and plotting scripts:
+ AJjr_MEM.Rmd: contains all analyses and figures reported in the article
+ AJjr_pupil_report.Rmd: contains an exploratory analysis using pupil size data. The output can be found in the AJjr top folder. The AJjr_pupillometry.bib file contains is used in this file to create the references.
+ AJjr_power_simulation.R: the file used to run power calculations. NB: this works when using lme4 1.1_18 but gives warnings for later versions of the package.