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Cultural factors weaken but do not reverse left-to-right spatial biases in numerosity processing: Data from Arabic and English monoliterates and Arabic-English biliterates /
Dataset for Lopiccolo & Chang (2021)
Date created: 2019-05-15 08:36 PM | Last Updated: 2023-08-31 12:13 AM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/7RGF8
Category: Data
Description: Full dataset and supplementary analyses for Lopiccolo and Chang (2021, "Cultural factors weaken but do not reverse left-to-right spatial biases in numerosity processing: Data from Arabic and English monoliterates and Arabic-English biliterates", PLoS ONE). The dataset is provided in Excel format (.xlsx) and tab-delimited text format (.txt): Sheet 1 of the Excel file provides the raw (trial-by-trial) reaction time data; Sheet 2, the reaction time difference data; Sheet 3, the demographic data for all participants; and Sheet 4, a key explaining each column of the data spreadsheets in sheets 1-3. Supplementary analyses of error rates, along with a summary table of raw response times, are provided in the PDF file.
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