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The scenarios (selected from Knutson et al. [2010] and translated to Czech) will be displayed at a speed of 65 ms per letter and additional 350 ms after each line, which should result in a normal reading speed. After the whole description of a situation is shown in this way, participants will answer a question: “Do you think that the described behavior was morally wrong?” using two buttons: Yes and No. Afterwards, they will move to the next scenario. After judging all scenarios, participants will be informed that they will read the descriptions once again, they will see their previous answers and they will be asked: “Select on a scale to what degree was your initial evaluation of the behavior intuitive or rational.” They will be also given an opportunity to change their initial judgment by a prompt: “If you want to change your original evaluation after the second reading of its description, check this box:” After going through all scenarios for the second time, participants will be asked: “If you feel you had trouble understanding or following the instructions or were not focused during the experiment, we probably should not use your data. Do you believe we should use your answers in our study?” Afterwards, they will be asked: “Did you notice anything unexpected during the experiment?”. In case they answer “Yes”, we will follow up with an open ended question: “What did you notice?”. Next we will ask them whether they know, what does the term choice blindness mean and if yes, we will ask them to describe it briefly. Then we will show them how some of their initial answers were manipulated and ask them whether they had noticed such manipulations. Finally, participants will be asked: “Did you know design/goal of the study? (e.g. because previous participants had told you about it) <br> References Knutson, K. M., Krueger, F., Koenigs, M., Hawley, A., Escobedo, J. R., Vasudeva, V., … Grafman, J. (2010). Behavioral norms for condensed moral vignettes. *Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 5,* 378-384.<br> <br> <br> Full Wording (in Czech and *English*): Je dle Vás popsané chování morálně špatné? *Do you think that the described behavior is morally wrong?* <br><br> Bylo podle Vás popsané chování morálně špatné: *Was the described behavior morally wrong according to you:* <br><br> Označte na škále, nakolik bylo Vaše původní hodnocení chování intuitivní nebo racionální. *Select on a scale to what degree was your initial evaluation of the behavior intuitive or rational.* <br><br> Pokud chcete po druhém přečtení popisu chování změnit své původní hodnocení, zaškrtněte toto políčko: *If you want to change your original evaluation after the second reading of its description, check this box:* <br><br> Pokud se Vám zdá, že jste měl(a) potíže s pochopením instrukcí či jejich plněním nebo jste během experimentu nebyl(a) plně soustředěn(á), pravděpodobně bychom neměli použít Vaše data. Myslíte si, že bychom měli použít Vaše odpovědi? *If you feel you had trouble understanding or following the instructions or were not focused during the experiment, we probably should not use your data. Do you believe we should use your answers in our study?* <br><br> Všiml(a) jste si něčeho neočekávaného během experimentu? *Did you notice anything unexpected during the experiment?* Čeho jste si všimli? *What did you notice?* <br><br> Víte, co značí termín "choice blindness" neboli "slepota k volbě"? *Do you know what does the term “choice blindness” denote?* Stručně prosím význam popište. *Please, describe its meaning briefly.* <br><br> Při druhém zobrazení situací Vám byla zobrazena Vaše původní odpověď na otázku, zda je popsané chování morálně špatné. Ve skutečnosti 5 z 40 těchto odpovědí bylo obráceno. Tj. pokud jste například původně odpověděli Ano, bylo Vám napsáno, že jste odpověděli Ne. Všiml(a) jste si této záměny? *During the second presentation of situations, you were shown your initial answer to the question whether the described behavior is morally wrong. In fact, 5 out of 40 of these answers were reversed. That is if you had for example initially answered Yes, you were told that you had answered No. Did you notice the reversal?* <br><br> Znal(a) jste design/cíl této studie? (např. protože Vám o něm řekli předchozí účastníci) *Did you know design/goal of the study? (e.g. because previous participants had told you about it)*
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