This is the Wiki for an exploratory research project examining stop-signal task performance differences between children with ADHD and their typically-developing peers using the ex-Gaussian race model (Matzke et al.,2013; 2017). The goals of this project, and the associated manuscript (currently under review) were to 1) fit this formal model of stop-signal task performance to data from each group to measure mechanistic processes of interest while controlling for factors that my bias estimation of stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) distributions (e.g, skew in "go" RTs), 2) assess whether children with ADHD display greater latency or variability in their SSRT distributions, and 3) assess whether the groups differ in their incidence of trigger failures, instances in which the stop process fails to be triggered in response to the stop-signal cue.
This page contains the analysis code used in the project, which is publicly available for download. The de-identified empirical data are not openly available to the public because participants in the study from which the data are drawn consented to their data being shared with other investigators who are involved in the project, but not with the public at large. Therefore, access to these data will be provided to interested investigators upon request.
All analysis code is in the R language and requires functions from Dynamic Models of Choice (DMC: Heathcote et al., 2018: to be loaded into the R environment. The ExGaussianRace_ADHD_ReadMe file contains more detailed descriptions of each analysis script and data file.