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Contains experiment and analysis scripts, alongside data files and analysis outputs. ## Repository Structure ## ### Top-level directories ### - **pilot** : Materials for pilot experiment. Employs same design as Experiment 1, except only two adaptation durations (35 and 140 s) are included. - **experiment1** : Materials for first experiment, testing effects of adaptation duration and visual spatial references frames on the ventriloquism aftereffect. - **experiment2** : Materials for second experiment, testing effects of constant versus variable audio-visual disparities on the ventriloquism aftereffect. ### Sub-directories ### All top-level directories follow a similar sub-directory structure: - **analysis** : Contains analysis scripts (see below), and outputs of those analyses. Contains additional sub-directories: - ***ind*** : Outputs of first-level simple regression analyses. Outputs for each subject are within further separate sub-directories. Actually uploaded as a zip file due to the large number of sub-directories. - ***group*** : Outputs of second-level analyses (ANOVAs, t-tests, etc.) on the first-level spatial bias and gain parameter estimates. - ***mixed_effects*** : Outputs of alternative analysis pipeline, in which the first-level analysis instead utilises mixed-effects regression models. Sub-directories *level1* and *level2* correspond to the first- and second-level analysis outputs respectively (equivalent to the *ind* and *group* outputs). Note that this pipeline has been deprecated in favour of the simple regression approach due to the mixed-effects parameter estimates being biased. - ***per_cycle_analysis*** : Added in response to reviewer comments. Provides equivalents of first- and second-level VAE outputs but for each adapt/test cycle separately. - **data** : Contains raw data log files. - **experiment** : Contains materials and code for running experiment. ## Analysis Scripts ## All experiments employ the same basic analysis scripts: - **statsUtils.R** : Contains generic utility functions for use by other scripts. - **doIndRegressions.R** : Runs first-level simple regression analyses for each subject independently. Extracts spatial bias and gain estimates for each subject. - **doMixedEffRegressions.R** : Runs alternative first-level analysis pipeline, instead employing mixed-effects regression models with the subjects entered as a random-effects factor. This has been deprecated in favour of the per-subject simple regression approach as the mixed-effects parameter estimates are liable to be biased towards the mean (making them sub-optimal as inputs to the second-level analyses). - **doGroupAnalysis.R** : Performs second-level analyses (e.g. ANOVAs, t-tests, etc.) on the spatial bias and gain estimates produced by the first-level analysis. Accepts inputs from either the simple or mixed-effects regression pipelines (can control which with a command-line flag; defaults to the simple regression pipeline). - **doPerCycleAnalysis.R** : Added in response to reviewer comments. Performs first- and second-level analyses of VAEs for each adapt/test cycle separately.
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