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Category: Methods and Measures
Description: Study materials associated with the manuscripts entitled “Disputing space-based biases in unilateral complex regional pain syndrome“ and "Prism adaptation treatment for upper-limb Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: a double-blind randomized controlled trial" by Monika Halicka (corresponding author,, Axel D Vittersø, Hayley McCullough, Andreas Goebel, Leila Heelas, Michael J Proulx, and Janet H Bultitude. The files include the stimuli and task procedures to measure visual spatial attention and representation of space (PsychoPy files for visual Temporal Order Judgement task, Landmark task, and Greyscales task), mental representation of space (Excel file for Mental Number Line Bisection task), spatially-defined motor function (PsychoPy file for Directional Hypokinesia task), and body representation (PsychoPy file for Hand Laterality Recognition task). Also included is Matlab code used to derive the indices of spatial bias from the the Temporal Order Judgement and Landmark tasks data. Specific to the RCT, a script for training the participants in prism adaptation / sham treatment is provided, and a corresponding instructional video.