We are very happy to share materials for our adult and child assessments of pragmatic and core language skills. However, we are conscious that making materials openly available may affect their validity for research and clinical uses if individuals have seen them in full prior to an assessment. Therefore, we have uploaded the full assessments as private components (entitled Adult Assessments and Child Assessments) and we ask researchers wishing to use the materials to contact us for a link. Please see our ORCID accounts for contact details.
The other components here provide some example materials used for several of the language tests administered in a study of pragmatic and core language skills in the general adult population:
Wilson, A. C., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2019). "If you catch my drift...": Ability to infer implied meaning is distinct from vocabulary and grammar skills [version 3; peer review: 3 approved]. *Wellcome Open Research, 4*, 68. https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15210.3
Please see GUIDE-MATERIALS.odt for more information.