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Theoretical models of quasar feedback involve radiatively-driven nuclear winds, which propagate into the surrounding interstellar gas (causing shock heating and plowed shells) and resulting in a galaxy-wide wind over the life time of the quasar. There are, however, few observational probes of this particular feedback phenomenon. One relatively unexplored route is to search for the shocked gas in the radio. Though only about 15% of quasars are traditionally “radio-loud”, meaning they launch radio jets that can be observed on scales of hundreds of kiloparsecs, we can identify populations of traditionally ‘radio-quiet’ quasars that produce more radio emission than can be easily explained by just star formation. Indeed, the radio luminosity of powerful radio-quiet and radio- intermediate quasars is correlated with the velocity dispersion of ionized gas (measured via the strong [OIII]λ5007Å emission line), suggesting an intimate connection between radio emission and gas outflows. Recent upgrades to the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) allow for radio observations with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution, opening the radio regime as an additional avenue for studying multi-phase quasar winds and the interaction between quasars and their host galaxies. I will present our recent studies on the radio emission from radio-quiet quasars at both z~0.5 and z~2.5 where we use a combination of radio luminosity, spectral index and morphology in an attempt to disentangle jet- and wind-driven radio emission. In addition, I will present preliminary results from a recent radio survey of z~0.5 quasars with multi-component [OIII] 5007 emission which suggests either the presence of bi-conical outflows or dual supermassive black holes and show how radio data allows us to disentangle these scenarios. Such studies are of increasing importance as we plan for the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) whose unprecedented resolution and sensitivity will allow us to better disentangle various competing quasar feedback scenarios. Wishing you clear skies,
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