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This project contains simulation code for the study, "Bayesian adaptive model estimation to solve the speed-accuracy tradeoff problem in psychophysical experiments" (currently under review). ## qSAT.m - The main code for simulation. - can be modified for programing psychophysical SAT experiment(s). - Type "help qSAT" for syntax and examples. ### generateResponse.m - simulates observer's response(s) at a given SOA. - This file is used only in simulation (not in programs for real experiments) ### qPlot.m - provides summary plots for simulation ## qSAT engine Other qXXX files are for the core algorithm of the Bayesian adaptive estimation procedure. - qSpace.m - qPrior.p - qLik.p - qSelect.p - qModel.p - qEstimate.p - qHDI.p - qHDI2.p - qUpdate.p - qLog.p Users can modify qSpace.m to adjust parameter and stimulus spaces (range and sampling grain).
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