## NZAVS Central Management Team
The NZAVS central management team are responsible for strategic oversight, design and day-to-day maintenance of the study.
- Prof Chris Sibley (School of Psychology, University of Auckland)
- Associate Prof Danny Osborne (School of Psychology, University of Auckland)
- Prof Joseph Bulbulia (School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Associate Prof Kumar Yogeeswaran (School of Psychology, University of Canterbury)
## NZAVS Advisory Board
The NZAVS advisory board aims to represent research groups from different universities across New Zealand and advises on long-term strategic planning. The advisory board grows organically as researchers representing different research groups and universities become involved in the study.
- Prof Fiona Kate Barlow (School of Psychology, University of Queensland)
- Prof Carla Houkamau (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Auckland)
- Dr Kieren Lilly (Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland)
- Prof Taciano Milfont (School of Psychology, University of Waikato)
- Prof Nickola Overall (School of Psychology, University of Auckland)
- Prof Marc Wilson (School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Dr Elena Zubielevitch (Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Auckland)
## NZAVS Research group
The broader research group actively involved in research using NZAVS data. The NZAVS research group is defined as academics who (a) have access to, and are working on research using, NZAVS data; and/or (b) who have led or are currently leading research papers using NZAVS data.
### University of Auckland
- Prof Quentin Atkinson (School of Psychology)
- Dr Brian Don (School of Psychology)
- Prof Ananish Chaudhuri (Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Emeritus Prof John Duckitt (School of Psychology)
- Assoc Prof Daniel Exeter (Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
- Prof Carla Houkamau (Faculty of Business and Economics)
- Dr Lixin Jiang (School of Psychology)
- Dr Sarah Kapeli (School of Psychology)
- Prof Tony Lambert (School of Psychology)
- Dr Sam Manuela (School of Psychology)
- Assoc Prof Danny Osborne (School of Psychology)
- Prof Nickola Overall (School of Psychology)
- Prof Nichola Raihani (School of Psychology)
- Dr Nicole Satherley (Honorary Academic, School of Psychology)
- Prof Chris Sibley (School of Psychology)
- Dr Sam Trowsdale (School of Environment)
- Dr Tim West-Newman (Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga)
- Dr Jesse Wiki (Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
- Dr Chris Wilson (Politics and International Relations)
- Dr Elena Zubielevitch (Faculty of Business and Economics)
### Victoria University of Wellington
- Prof Joseph Bulbulia (School of Psychology)
- Assoc Prof Hedwig Eisenbarth (School of Psychology)
- Dr Gloria Fraser (School of Health, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Assoc Prof Lara Greaves (School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations)
- Dr Matt Hammond (School of Psychology)
- Dr Rachel Low (School of Psychology)
- Assoc Prof Geoff Troughton (School of Social and Cultural Studies)
- Prof Marc Wilson (School of Psychology)
### University of Canterbury
- Dr Christoph Bartneck (Computer Science and Software Engineering)
- Dr Jacinta Cording (School of Psychology)
- Dr Matt Hobbs (Faculty of Health, Geospatial Research Institute)
- Dr Kongmeng Liew (School of Psychology)
- Dr Christopher Lockhart (School of Business, Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Dr Lukas Marek (Faculty of Health, Geospatial Research Institute)
- Prof Elena Moltchanova (School of Mathematics and Statistics)
- Assoc Prof Kumar Yogeeswaran (School of Psychology)
### University of Otago
- Dr Usman Afzali (Religion Programme)
- Prof Tamlin Conner (Department of Psychology)
- Dr John Kerr (Department of Public Health, Public Health Communication Centre)
- Prof Philip Nel (Department of Politics)
### University of Waikato
- Prof Taciano Milfont (School of Psychology)
### Other Organizations in New Zealand
- Dr Isabelle Duck, Silverdale Medical Centre
- Dr Carol Lee, Auckland Regional Public Health Service
### International Collaborators
- Prof Frank Asbrock (Institut für Psychologie, Technische Universität Chemnitz)
- Dr Joaquín Bahamondes (Académico Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica del Norte)
- Prof Fiona Kate Barlow (School of Psychology, University of Queensland)
- Dr Robin Bergh (Department of Psychology, Uppsala University)
- Assoc Prof Boris Bizumic (School of Medicine and Psychology, Australian National University)
- Prof Wiebke Bleidorn (Department of Psychology, University of Zurich)
- Dr Chloe Bracegirdle (Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford)
- Dr Mark Brandt (Department of Psychology, Michigan State University)
- Dr Sarah Buhl (Institut für Psychologie, Technische Universität Chemnitz)
- Dr Héctor Carvacho (Escuela de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
- Prof Aleksandra Cichocka (School of Psychology, University of Kent)
- Dr Scott Claessens (School of Psychology, University of Kent)
- Dr Thomas Costello (Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Assoc Prof Don E. Davis (Department of Counseling and Psychological Services, Georgia State University)
- Prof Thierry Devos (Department of Psychology, San Diego State University)
- Prof Karen Douglas (School of Psychology, University of Kent)
- Dr Jessica Gale (Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne)
- Assoc Prof Yuthika Girme (Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University)
- Prof Roberto González (Escuela de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
- Dr Diala Hawi (School of Social Sciences & Humanities, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies)
- Prof Christopher J. Hopwood (Department of Psychology, University of Zurich)
- Dr Yanshu Huang (Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland)
- Prof John Jost (Department of Psychology, New York University)
- Dr Kieren Lilly (Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland)
- Dr Mathew da Costa Marques (School of Psychology, La Trobe University)
- Dr Petar Milojev (Independent Researcher)
- Dr Nicky J. Newton (Psychology Department, Wilfrid Laurier University)
- Dr Nils Reimer (Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, UC Santa Barbara)
- Prof Kenneth Rice (Department of Counseling and Psychological Services, Georgia State University)
- Dr Ted Schwaba (Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Dr Nikhil Sengupta (School of Psychology, University of Kent)
- Dr Sadi Shanaah (Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick)
- Assoc Prof John Shaver (Department of Anthropology, Baylor University)
- Dr Samantha Stanley (School of Medicine and Psychology, Australian National University)
- Dr Samantha Stronge (Independent Researcher)
- Prof Emma Thomas (College of Education, Psychology & Social Work, Flinders University)
- Assoc Prof Daryl R. Van Tongeren (Frost Center for Social Science Research, Hope College)
- Emeritus Prof Maykel Verkuyten (Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science, Utrecht University)
## NZAVS Graduate Lab
Read more about joining the NZAVS graduate lab at the University of Auckland on the [Postgraduate Study wiki][1]
[1]: https://osf.io/75snb/wiki/Postgraduate%20Study/