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Contents and Data Dictionary ---------- **File names & Contents** Discrepancies.docx - contains a description of some discrepancies found between the studies. 4 CSV files named in the following standard: `M-A Data [vbl] - Table 1-1.csv` where **[vbl]** is Advantages, Connect, Express, Safety - contains raw data for Goal4-5.R meta-analysis R syntax (see the Analysis Scripts component [here][1]. Each file contains five variables: the study ID, sample size (N), effect size *r* (r), standardized beta (β), and p-value (p). This file was exported from the master meta-analysis spreadsheet (Replication Meta-Data.xlsx) 4 CSV files named in the following standard: `M-A Data [vbl] - Table 1.csv` where **[vbl]** is Advantages, Connect, Express, Safety - contains raw data for Meta.R meta-analysis R syntax (see the Analysis Scripts component [here][1]). Each file contains five variables: the study ID, sample size (N), effect size *r* (r), standardized beta (β), and p-value (p). This file was exported from the master meta-analysis spreadsheet (Replication Meta-Data.xlsx) Replication Meta-Data.xlsx - contains data about each replication fork that was on the original projects fork page at the time we wrote the article. It includes: - Institution Name - Study ID - Authors - Project link - Fork creation - Last fork update date - Replication type (Direct, Direct-Plus) - Deviations from original protocol - Data collection method (online, in lab) - Incentives offered - Completion of IRB, Video of protocol, Posting of materials and results - Total sample size - Statistics for each variable: standardized Beta; t-score; degrees of freedom; p-values; Cohen's *d* and Effect size *r* - Also contains individual sheets that summarize information for each of the outcome variables - these are used as input for the R analysis scripts [1]:
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