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To run the experiments install the necessary dependencies in '''''' # Combinatorial Hive Plots A working prototype can be accessed under following link: (note that online only a subset of the heuristic algorithms is available) ## Supplemental Material The file ```` contains the code for the implementation. The application is built as a Flask web application. To run the application python 3.10+ is required. The dependencies are listed in the file ``requirements.txt`` Additionally, to use any of the integer programming models Gurobi is required. The raw output files for the computational experiment can be found in the ``experiment`` folder. Including a python notebook to generate the plots from the paper. Both, the conference and the journal version of the paper are contained. Datasets are contained in the ``datasets`` folder. Additionally, the scripts that were used to generate the datasets are also contained. The ``figures`` folder contains additional figures from the computational experiment. Those can also be genereated with the python notebooks in the experiment folder.
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