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WORKFLOW AND MATERIALS FOR RAE ET AL, TS MVPA INTENTIONAL INHIBITION PROJECT EXCLUDED PARTICIPANTS: CN09 & CN18 – excluded after data collection, but prior to analysis, as became clear during data collection did not meet inclusion/exclusion criteria TS02 – excluded as did not participate in MRI TS06 – excluded as did not participate in clinical questionnaires TS11 – excluded as withdrew prior to data collection TS15 – excluded after data collection, but prior to analysis, as it became clear during data collection they did not meet inclusion/exclusion criteria CREATION OF ROI MASKS We used the SPM toolbox ( MarsBaR ( GUI to build each ROI (a 10mm sphere centred on co-ordinates given in main publication). This generates a .mat, which is then exported to a .nii image file, again using the MarsBaR GUI. The .nii files were then re-sliced in SPM prior to using in RSA, using SPM coreg(reslice), coregistering the masks to the spmT0001 file of one subject. Included in OSF repository: /roi_masks_marsbar_nii/ - the masks output from MarsBaR, prior to re-slicing in SPM /roi_masks_marsbar_nii_res/ - the masks after re-slicing in SPM. These are the masks entered to RSA. SPM_coreg_res.mat - the SPM batch file used to run mask re-slicing in SPM CREATION OF MERGED STATISTIC IMAGE FILES CosmoMVPA expects a single 4D image file, containing the four first-level spmT images that represent activity associated with the four conditions of interest (Go, NoGo, ChooseGo, ChooseNoGo). A linux script applied the FSL command ‘fslmerge’ recursively across subjects to concatenate the four relevant spmT images into one 4D image file. The order of the spmT images is spmT_0001: Go spmT_0002: NoGo (correct) spmT_0003: ChooseGo spmT_0004: ChooseNoGo Included in OSF repository: ts_mvpa_fslmerge - linux script STATISTIC IMAGE FILES (*the data*) Included in OSF repository: /first_level_spmT_merged/ - 4D image file for each participant RUNNING RSA Four custom Matlab scripts, one for each contrast, applied RSA with CosmoMVPA commands to the above merged spmT files using the six ROI masks. Included in OSF repository: /rsa_scripts/, containing: ts_mvpa_GovNoGo.m ts_mvpa_ChoGovChoNoGo.m ts_mvpa_GovChoGo.m ts_mvpa_NoGovChoNoGo.m The primary difference between these is the contrast matrix that identifies which two columns of the 4x4 (Go, NoGo, ChooseGo, ChooseNoGo) correlation matrix are to be examined (indicated by a ‘1’). RSA OUTPUTS Included in OSF repository: /rsa/ - .mat outputs from above Matlab scripts, and compiled into .csv summaries STATISTICAL ANALYSES /jasp/ - AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev.csv of all RSA results, alongside symptom severity scores, and AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev.jasp statistical analyses (t-tests and correlations) R1: additional analyses suggested by peer reviewers AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev_r1.csv - data file of RSA results, symptom severity scores, tic during scanning frequency, medication status, comorbidity status AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev_r1_behavioural.jasp - statistical analyses of behavioural and RSA results AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev_r1_meds.jasp - statistical analyses of medication status and RSA results AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev_r1_SubGroups_SymptomsTicsMedsComorbidities.jasp - statistical analyses of sub-groups and RSA results AllSubject_ROI_results_SymptomSev_r1_tics.jasp - statistical analyses of tic during scanning frequency and RSA results Version used: JASP 0.16 All correlation tests are 2-tailed Pearson correlations. No normality checks were conducted prior to statistical analysis. GRAPHICAL PLOTS IN R /R_graphs/ - .csv of RSA results, alongside symptom severity scores, .Rmd code to generate plots, and .png files for each result graphed in manuscript Version used: 2021.09.0
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