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**Experiment 1** Conjunction whole-report with colored clock faces. There are two experimental sessions where all three conditions are presented, and the code (*ConjunctionWholeReport_E1.m*) handles both sessions. **Experiment 2** Same code as Experiment 1 (*ConjunctionWholeReport_E1.m*) but with the memory array duration reduced to 150 msec. This can be reproduced by changing the value of timing.memoryDuration to .15 in the code. **Experiment 3** Conjunction whole-report with colored triangles (*ConjunctionWholeReport_E3.m*). Only the conjunction condition is conducted. **Experiment 4** Conjunction whole-report with colored shapes (*ConjunctionWholeReport_E4.m*), nearly identical to Experiment 1. The shape stimuli is included as a .zip folder, and the attached *MakeStimE4.m* script converts the images to drawable stimuli.
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