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Study 16: Replication of Ward et al., 2010 (Cancer Cell) /
Assessing the isocitrate-dependent NADPH production and alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent NADPH consumption of wild-type or R172K mutant IDH2
- Megan Showalter
- Jason Hatakeyama
- Tomas Cajka
- Kacey Vandervorst
- Kermit L. Carraway III
- Oliver Fiehn
- Elizabeth Iorns
- Alexandria Denis
- Nicole Perfito
- Timothy M. Errington
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Category: Project
Target of replication: A priori experimental protocols, materials, and confirmatory analysis plans were peer reviewed, pre-registered, and published by eLife.
This component includes all data, analysis scripts, and methods for the replication of the experiment reported in Figures 2A-C of Ward et al., 2010. This experiment sought to independently replicate whether the cancer-associated IDH2 R172 mu…
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