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This repository contains all available data from the project. The **Items.pdf** file contains all 18 target items, in French with an English translation, in all experimental conditions. The **data_clean.csv** file contains the anonmyized collected data. The **0.scripts** folder contains 2x2 files. The *1_graphDVxxx* files are scripts written for creating the different visualisations for each different way of analysing our categorical dependent variable (grouped either by gramatical form -- '*DV4gram*' or by politeness -- '*DV4politeness*'). The *2_bayesDVxxx* files are scripts written for running Bayesian multinomial regressions on the data. Be aware that running the visualisation scripts on your computer will create new files alongside the script (graphs + tables). Running the Bayesian models can take some time (~1h-1h30). The **1.graph_DVxxx** folders contain visualisations for each different way of analysing the dependent variable. Inside there are graphs by condition (hierarchical distance between speakers and experience level of the adviser), overall and for each item + graphs for interactions between the conditions + graphs for an overall view of answers by participant and/or item. The **2.bayes_DVxxx** folders contain output tables and visualisations for the Bayesian models that were computed for each different way of analysing the dependent variable. The **3.tables_DVxxx** folders contain tables of the numbers behind the graphs contained in the **1.graph_DVxxx folder**, for anyone curious about the raw numbers of answers that hide behind the proportions hard_coded on the graphs.
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