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The impact of labeling automotive AI as “trustworthy” or “reliable” on user evaluation and technology acceptance
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Category: Project
Description: This study is completed and now published online at Scientific Reports: This study explores whether labeling AI as either “trustworthy” or “reliable” influences user perceptions and acceptance of automotive AI technologies. Utilizing a one-way between-subjects design, the research presented online participants (N=478) with a text presenting guidelines for either trustworthy or reliable AI, before asking them to evaluate 3 vignette scenarios and fill in a modified version of the Technology Acceptance Model which covers different variables, such as perceived ease of use, human-like trust, and overall attitude. While labeling AI as “trustworthy” did not significantly influence people’s judgements on specific scenarios, it increased perceived ease of use and human-like trust, namely benevolence, suggesting a facilitating influence on usability and an anthropomorphic effect on user perceptions. The study provides insights into how specific labels affect adopting certain attitudes toward AI technology.
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