**Research Firsts Exhibition: Image and accompanying text by Oleksandr Zhdanov**
![sketch of a bearded figure blowing down on some plants][1]
When it is windy outside it is easy to observe how plants bend under the wind. Although it might be intuitive to assume that plants grow in the same direction as the wind, our experiments in a bespoke wind tunnel, where Arabidopsis thaliana was grown under constant wind, clearly demonstrate for the first time that plants do not ‘go with the flow’, but actually grow against the wind.
In scientific terms, plants exhibit a positive anemotropic response (from Greek ánemos ‘wind’ and tropikós ‘turning’) by directing their growth towards the source of the force, in this case the wind.
[1]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/download/sp5r9/?direct=&mode=render&format=2400x2400.jpeg