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Description: This work package focuses on exploring how Serbian online media cover the topics of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine. The findings are published at Please cite accordingly.


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Leader: Aleksandra Lazić
Contributors: Iris Žeželj, Marija Branković, Marija Petrović
WP start: 17/01/2022
WP end: 16/07/2022


To explore how Serbian online media cover the topics of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine (TM/CAM) practices.

To identify the types of reported TM/CAM practices, common concerns about reporting on TM/CAM, and the ways T…


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Preregistration files for a content analysis of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine on Serbian news and lifestyle magazine websites (J...

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Codebook Development

Codebook development for a content analysis of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine on Serbian news and lifestyle magazine websites (Ju...

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Identified Articles, With Procedure

Sampling strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and identified media articles for a content analysis of traditional, complementary and alternativ...

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Trial Coding and Inter-Coder Reliability Test

Trial coding, inter-coder reliability test, and materials for the training of coders for a content analysis of traditional, complementary and alternat...

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Datasets and Code

Datasets with results from a content analysis of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine on Serbian news and lifestyle magazine websites (...

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Communication Materials

Communication materials for a project exploring how Serbian online media cover the topics of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine.

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complementary and alternative medicinecontent analysishealth communicationhealth psychologymedia analysisSerbiatraditional medicine

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