## PAC-Ayr ##
The PAC-Ayr corpus forms part of the [Phonologie d’Anglais Contemporain][1] research programme based in four French universities which seeks to build comparable phonological corpora for the study of Englishes spoken across the world. This corpus features speakers from Ayrshire in Scotland. In all PAC corpora, the speakers perform a number of tasks, but only a reading passage is used here. The reading text can be found in the 'Files' section for this dataset. Alignment was carried out by SPADE using MAUS.
**Number of speakers:** 22, 12F \
**Hours of speech:** 1 hr 20mins approx \
**Years recorded:** c2004 \
**Data Guardian:** Monika Pukli, Anne Przewozny\
**Speaker dimensions:** speaker, gender, age, dialect
## Corpus Reference ##
[1]: https://www.pacprogramme.net/?lang=fr