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Date created: 2021-11-29 06:15 AM | Last Updated: 2023-04-10 03:31 AM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/6P4R7

Category: Project

Description: Data and visual stimuli from the publication: Long, H.*, Peluso, N.*, Baker, C.I. et al. A database of heterogeneous faces for studying naturalistic expressions. Sci Rep 13, 5383 (2023). *equally contributing first authors


The Wild Faces Database (WFD) is a highly diverse dataset of 1000 sponataneous facial behaviours intelligently scraped from the internet. To describe the emotional content in these images we collected ratings data from >400 University of Queensland (Australia) students.

When using these stimuli or data, please cite following publication: Long, H., Peluso, N., Baker, C.I. et al. A database of heter…


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affectemotional expressionsexpression recognitionface perceptionface stimulifacial behaviorfacial expressions

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